Thanks to Our Star Donors

These donors made a significant investment in the library (from July 1, 2023 to November 21, 2024). Their contributions have a substantial impact on the library’s service to the community.

Library Benefactors

James and Ruth Anderson
Judy Argentieri
Ms. Janice M. Bahr and Mr. Erwin Hoffman
Dave and Leslie Barr
Ms. Mary Beastall
James and Arlene Borbely
Mr. William W. Capel and Ernest J. Martin III
Champaign Public Library Friends
Greg and Kristie Cozad
Wesley and Laura Curtis

Ms. Dorothy David and Steven Woodard
Jim and Laurie Dey
Philip Disalvo
Mr. Newt Dodds
Jason and Lynnette Dodds
Austin and Sarah Ducey
Mr. John W. Dudley
Ms. Ann A. Einhorn
Doug and Denise Fields
Richard and B. Jean Flood
Rusty and Jill Freeland
Mary Gentry
Stephen and Mary Gritten

Essie Harris
John and Barbara Hecker
Mary Henson
Jan and Bruce Hinely
Bob and Sarah Illyes
Nancy Jeckel
Ms. Paula Kaufman
Patrick Keenan
Ms. Laura Keller
Ms. Jan Kiley
Jeffrey and Patricia Kirby
Mr. James Kuklinski and Ms. Nancy Parker
Bob Kuo
Mr. Batlagundu Lakshminarayanan
Charles and Annette Lansford
Candace and Steve
Sallie and Norman Miller
Michael and Brittany Millington
Mr. Richard Morris
Brian and Molly Neiswender
Alan and Kassandra Nudo
William and Wilma O’Brien
Kip and Janet Pope
Grant and Jennifer Robbennolt
Robeson Family Benefit Fund
Mark J. Rood and Terri Medwed
Gail Rost
Ms. Christie Roszkowski
Cliff and Anita Schwartz
Ally and Zachary Sehy
Dave and Anita Seiler
Kathy Shannon and Matt Frank
Lori and Michael Shasteen
O. David and Julie Sherwood
Mrs. Cecile Steinberg
Tom and Julia Ulen
Laura Van Buer
Ashton and June Waller
Ms. Mary Louise Watson
David and Nancy Whitford
Mr. Jerald J. Wray
Dr. and Mrs. John Young

Library Guardians
Nancy Baker and Ken Rhodes
Ms. Dorothy Baker
Peter Baker
Emily Baker
Beniamino Barbieri
J. Steven Beckett
T.J. and Katie Blakeman
Roy and Ann Campbell
Donna Chapel
Mr. Paul Cole
Christopher Davis
Nanette Donohue
Lisa Guntzviller
Christopher Hannauer and Jody Hanger
Allen and Susan Hartter
William and Nancy Hatch
Ms. Patricia Johnson
John Kelley
Betty Kmoch
Phillip and Sheila Krein
Bud and Sandy Leister
Ms. Christen Mercier
Mr. Robert O’Daniell
Ms. Martha Palit
Robert and Carol Penka
Ms. Barbara Phillips
Gloria Rainer
Ms. Amanda Raklovits
Michael Rogalla
Cynthia Schieber and Mat Morey
Elizabeth Stegmaier and Stephen Runkle
Philip and Roxanne Stirrett
The Material Girls
Lott and SuAnn Thomas
Ms. Sarah Williams
Ms. Holly Wilper
Marcy and Michael Zora

Library Guardians

Nancy Baker and Ken Rhodes
Ms. Dorothy Baker
Peter Baker
Emily Baker
Beniamino Barbieri
J. Steven Beckett
T.J. and Katie Blakeman
Roy and Ann Campbell
Donna Chapel
Mr. Paul Cole
Christopher Davis
Nanette Donohue
Lisa Guntzviller
Christopher Hannauer and Jody Hanger
Allen and Susan Hartter
William and Nancy Hatch
Ms. Patricia Johnson
John Kelley
Betty Kmoch
Phillip and Sheila Krein
Bud and Sandy Leister
Ms. Christen Mercier
Mr. Robert O’Daniell
Ms. Martha Palit
Robert and Carol Penka
Ms. Barbara Phillips
Gloria Rainer
Ms. Amanda Raklovits
Michael Rogalla
Cynthia Schieber and Mat Morey
Elizabeth Stegmaier and Stephen Runkle
Philip and Roxanne Stirrett
The Material Girls
Lott and SuAnn Thomas
Ms. Sarah Williams
Ms. Holly Wilper
Marcy and Michael Zora

Library Investors

Amy Al-Shabibi
Sowmya Anand
Mr. Richard A. Avner
Erez and Dana Cohen
Ms. Barbara A. Colson
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Conry
Megan Davis
Frank and Carol DiNovo
Dana and Maria Dlott
Anne Ellison
Rick Getty
Rainbow for Girls
Jim and Katrina Kotowski
Faye Lesht
Eva Liu
Ms. Melanie Loots
Terry Maher
Rajeev Malik and Rochelle Gutierrez
Brian and Dawn Marick
Edward and Brenda Mehnert

Ms. Jill Naiman
Ms. Carol Neely
Mark Nelson and Kathleen Collins
Dr. and Mrs. Terry Noonan
Susan Post
Margaret Saks
Lynne Sancken
Jason Scott and Maria Gillombardo
Ms. Min Soe
Ms. Melanie Starke
Mr. Andrew Stillwell
Mr. Greg Stock
Kenwood and Laurel Sullivan
Steve Szalowski
Joan and Walter Tousey
Allen and Patricia Tuchman
Fred and Candy Underhill
Mr. Justin York
Jenna Zieman 

Library Donors

Julia and Richard Abel
Alcoholics Anonymous, District 12
Mackenzie Alston
Carl Altstetter
Jaden Ambrocio Alcantara
Wells and Joann Anderson
Susan Appel
Kurt Austin
John Avelis
Connie Bandy
Somrishi Banerjee
Wayne and Susan Bekiares
John and Kathleen Bennett
Judith and Sam Bernstein
Mary and Perry Biddle
Mary Bissey and Neil Strack
Mr. Charles Blair
Jack and Julie Boparai
Jill Bouvet
Dayna Bradstreet
Amy Braghini
Mindy Brand
Charles Brawner
Chelsy Buffat
Andrea Burie
Ms. Jean Alice Burridge
Ted and Cindy Byra
Jarai Carter
Ms. Mary Cattell
Champaign-Urbana Herb Society
Chandra Chekuri
Anna Chi
Clarence Coleman
Emily Condill
Ms. Ellen Corcoran
Anne Craig
Kelly Cronin
Copenhaver Cumpston
Miriam Donahoe
Judi Doroff
Mrs. Astrid Dussinger
Ms. Joyce Eisold
Mara Fass
Sheila and Bill Ferreri
Jeffrey Filippini
Ms. Thelma Fite
Melissa Fletcher
Mr. Thomas L. Frey
Jane Freyfogle
Funeral Consumers
 Alliance of Champaign County
Ms. Amie Gable
Abby Gailey
Ms. Juanita L. Gammon
Mr. Richard Wheeler and Ms. Pat Gill
Ms. Mary Giuffre
Terry and Sharon Harkness
Cassi Head
Stephanie Hege
Mark Henry
Ms. Andrea K. Hoch
Zarina Hock
Kristina Hoerner
Maureen Holtz
Melinda Honn
Ms. Mary Hood
Emily Horning
Trina Howard
Ms. Karen Hsu
Bruce and Ingrid Hutchings
Ms. Margaret Isaac

Ms. Jennifer B. Jacobs
Mr. Sheldon Jacobson and Ms. Janet Jokela
Francis and Helen Jahn
Ms. Sandra Jones
James H. Jones, Jr.
John and Carol Kamerer
Carolyn Kan
Daniel Katz and Amanda Fox
Thomas Keeley
Joanne King
Lisa and Keith Kinna
Marc and Ann Kirkland
John Knoblett
Charles and Joan Kozoll
Naomi Kritzer
Shelley Kubitz Mahannah
Linda Kupferschmid
Ms. Fannie Lambert
Jon Lasser
Bernadette Laumann
Hyeon Jeong Lee
Monica Louzon
John and Bonnie Lynch
Mia Markey
Sarah Masud
Megan Matthews
Mr. David McCall
Michael and Jane McCulley
Ms. Mary McGuire
Jill McLean
Judge Brian McPheters and Michal McPheters
Mr. Seth Mendelowitz
Sharon Merrill
Stephen Mey
Mr. Scott Meyer and Ms. Beth A. Shirk
George and Liz Miley
Meg Miner
Lawrence and Pamela Moehle

Judy Moll
Gabe Moraru
Ann Mountz
Mr. John Murphy and Ms. Cara Finnegan
Ms. Debbie Nelson
Ms. Denise Neylon
Jonathan Nielson
Donna Offenbecher
Melkior Ornik
Caleb Peach
Sarah Pinsker
Robert Plankenhorn
Ms. Patricia Procter
Erica Prosser
Patty Pyrz
Ms. Stacy Rachel
Mr. and Mrs. Davendra Ramkumar
Ms. Jane Reid
Susan Romero
Gloria Roubal
Parinaz Safavi
Mr. Kenneth Schmidt
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Schomer
Mr. Robert Schooley
Eileen Schroeder
Michael Schuler
Ms. Dawn Schultz
Arnette Schultz
Rene Sears
Fred and Cathy Segovich
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Sensenbrenner
Sonya Sholem
Ms. Rosangela Silva
Robert Skirvin
Ann Smith
Elizabeth Smith-Andree
Robert Stanton
Priscilla Stephenson
Nehal Sai Tangudu
Richard Thompson
J.G. and Susan Townsend
Mark Treitman
University Place Reading Group
Mike and Pam Vanblaricum
Michael and Lila Vodkin
Edward and Joyce Wagner
Ricky Wallace
Amanda Wasserman
Linda Wessels and Tim Prescott
Ms. Marilyn Whittaker
Mark L. and Sandra Williams
Phyllis Williams
Kristian Wingo
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Wisseman
Joyce C. Wright
Sichun Xing
Youyou Zhang
Yvonne Ziegler
Carmen Zych

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Brittany Millington
Library Director

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